The Women's Club originated in 1974 for the purpose of bring the women of St. Joseph's Church together to become acquainted and socialize. At that time, the only women's group was the Altar Society at OLOL. The members came from many of the surrounding towns and in a short time, they became a cohesive and companionable group. They started helping at the church with CCD, altar care, providing flowers in the summer from our gardens and at one time cleaning the church. In an effort to raise money to support their endeavors, they began to offer bake sales and handmade quilts to raffle. That was the beginning of our famous Christmas Bazaar. We have donated many items to both churches and the rectory with the money raised. These include helping to complete the Parish Center, finishing the kitchen and furnishing appliances. Then as time passed, women from Our Lady of Lourdes began to join us expanding our family. We now do the Mercy Meals for families that would like them after a funeral and help Father with his requests to us. For social gatherings we have our Mother/Daughter Tea, Pot Luck Dinners, and our Annual Communion Mass and Brunch. We are blessed with a wonderful group of women from both churches who perform helpful deeds for the parish, its members and each other. We are always looking for new members.
Won't you consider joinng us and work for your Parish? For more information or to join, please call Betsy Bosiak at 496-3090 or Pauline Marston at 942-8912
President - Besty Bosiak/Pauline Marston Vice President - Sue Hoag
Secretary - Gerry Paquette Treasurer - Betsy Bosiak
Thank you to the Women’s Club for the recent purchase of altar linens for both churches. They are beautiful and will be enjoyed by the parish for years to come.
Sincerely, Father John