Our Lady of Lourdes – St. Joseph’s Parish
2024-2025 Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Classes Begin Sunday, September 15, 2024
Welcome to our Faith Formation program! First and foremost, the development of a child’s Catholic faith begins within the family. The family’s attitude toward weekly Mass attendance, formation classes and overall parish involvement speaks volumes to a child as well as a teen.
We are happy to encourage this growth of faith through children’s classes, family home study, youth ministry, and parish events to help your child grow in their love and understanding of God and His Holy Word.
Registration/Book Fees
This year's fee will include the purchase of Loyola Press' Finding God curriculum book for grade levels K thru 8. Sacrament preparation book fees are added to grades 2 & 3.
Grades K-1 $40 Grade 3 $65
Grade 2 $55 Grades 4-7 $50
*Bibles are available in all classrooms, We encourage families to purchase a bible for use at home and recommend The Catholic Children's Bible for Children, Grades 1-4, by St. Mary's Press.
To register online, please go the Enrollment Form under Religious Faith Formation on the upper left column of this page. Once you have completed the registration form, click on the 'Online Giving' button on the home page to make your payment.
Formation registration and full payment or payment installment, should be received before the first day of class. Online registration and payment is available or call the Faith Formation Office at(603- 942-8716) or the Rectory (603-435-6242). For any additional questions, please contact Jeannie Garcia at 942-8716 or 988-1113.
Scholarships are available through the Eric Barbasso Scholarship Fund